Listing Conditions



Prime Listing

Minimum business operations
3 years
Business results positive
Opinion of the authorized auditor
General conditions during the period of listing
Minimal amount of the capital
EUR 3 million
report on the audit of the Annual Financial Report with expressed unquilified or qualified opinion
issuer's webpage - created both in Serbian and English language
Special conditions for shares and depository receipts on shares of issuers
That in the free float there is alternatively:


- at least 25% of total number of issued shares,
-shares of minimal amount of capital of EUR 1
million which are in the ownership of at least 150 shareholders
- shares which are in the ownership of at least 300 shareholders.

that the dividends per preference shares have been paid, if issued - in the way prescribed by the
decision on their issue
Special conditions for debt securities
the issuer hasn't operated with a loss at the last annual financial report
The value of the issue
at least EUR 3 million
that the issuer's account has not been blocked in the last 180 days


SMart Listing

  Only shares and depository receipts on shares can be listed
Business operations
Three years or less
Business results
Opinion of the authorized auditor
Unquilified or qualified opinion
General conditions during the period of listing At least 1 million EUR and no less than 500.000 EUR under special conditions
Issuer's webpage - created both in Serbian and English language
That in the free float there is at least 25% of total number of issued shares
Shares of minimal amount of capital of EUR 150.000